Join Callum, who manages over 250 varieties of snowdrops in the Cambo collection for an in-depth walk and talk through our specialist and naturalised snowdrop collections. Insights into how to create and manage your own snowdrop collection will be shared along with ideas for companion winter planting. The tour will start at our snowdrop theatre, where you’ll have a chance to look at some different Galanthus (snowdrop) varieties along with other winter flowering bulbs [Leucojum vernum (snowflakes) and Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconites)] and you will then have a walk and talk around our collection in the winter garden and woodland. Please dress for the outdoors.
To book select the date and start time and the ‘ticketed event’ option and follow the steps.
Time: 11am and 2pm for approx 1 hour
Price: £15 includes garden entry